Pet owners rely on us to provide skilled and cost-conscious services to support the health of their pets. As part of these services we will make responsible recommendations for your pet regarding his or her vaccinations, nutrition, dental care, heartworm prevention, parasite control, and appropriate laboratory testing. Our veterinary team will work with you to ensure that your pet enjoys a long, happy and healthy life.
Many pet owners are terrified by the thought of their pet undergoing anesthesia. In some cases, this fear and uncertainty can prevent pets from receiving the medical care they need and deserve. Rest assured that your pet will receive safe, comprehensive, advanced anesthesia care from our staff of caring professionals. From major and minor surgeries to diagnostic procedures, we can meet your pet’s anesthetic needs.

There is nothing more important to us than your pet’s safety, so we perform a variety of pre-anesthetic tests to carefully screen patients and tailor our anesthetic protocol specifically for your pet. Our trained staff and doctors monitor your pet before, during, and after anesthesia to help ensure the best possible outcome. We also take time to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have about the medications, monitoring, and care your pet will receive. When you trust our dedicated health care professionals to manage your pet’s anesthetic care, you can rest assured that safety, efficacy, and comfort are always foremost in our minds.


Please note: A reservation is needed to board your pet. Please call us at 608-838-3400 to make a boarding reservation.

McFarland Animal Hospital provides a complete boarding service for dogs, cats, rabbits, and rodents. We offer drop-off and pickup any time during regular hospital hours:

  • 8 am to 5:30 pm – Monday through Thursday
  • 8 am to 4:30 pm – Friday

Animals picked up before 11 am will not be charged for the day of pickup.

Canine Boarding:
Advantages of boarding dogs at McFarland Animal Hospital:

  • Clean and comfortable facilities. Each room is flooded with natural light and heated/air-conditioned to a comfortable 70 degrees. Solid walls separate indoor quarters to reduce the anxiety of being housed near other animals. Clean bedding is provided as needed two or more times per day.
  • All dogs are provided exercise time in our outdoor play area 4 times daily.
  • Low numbers of dogs are boarded. The maximum boarding capacity of our facility is 15 dogs. This means more individualized attention by our staff and less stress for the animals being boarded.
  • All boarding is supervised by our veterinary staff, who look after the health and safety of all pets entrusted to our care. Older animals or those with special needs are given special consideration and care. Our easy-access exercise area is especially suited to the disabled pet. Animals needing medication while boarding was also accommodated.

Canine Boarding Rates:
Single night $28.00

Feline Boarding:
Advantages of boarding cats at McFarland Animal Hospital:

  • Boarding facilities on the second floor of our building, far away from dogs
  • Individual cat condos provide separate spaces to move about in.
  • Each cat has a unique privacy compartment to hide out and rest in.
  • South-facing window in each condo for sunbathing.
  • Litter space away from eating and sleeping areas.
  • Individualized care and feeding.
  • Veterinary supervision is especially important for cats who need medication or special care.

Feline Boarding Rates:
One feline guest per condo: $24.00/day

Required Vaccines:
For your pet’s protection, the following vaccines are required for pets boarding at the McFarland Animal Hospital:

Vaccines must be up to date prior to dropping off during boarding.


  • Rabies
  • Distemper, Parvovirus, Canine Hepatitis, Leptospirosis (DHPPL)
  • Kennel Cough


  • Rabies
  • Panleukopenia, Calicivirus, Rhinotracheitis (PCVR)
Urgent Care and Emergency Care

During regular business hours, if you have a sick pet, every effort will be made by our staff to have your pet seen as soon as possible. Please be aware that while we save special spots in our schedule for this purpose and make every possible effort to see all of our established patients, there might be some circumstances that will prevent us from being able to provide your pet with the care we think it needs in a timely fashion.  In those cases, we can help you make arrangements with an ER facility.

Veterinary Emergency Service-East
Phone: (608) 222-2455
Address: 4902 East Broadway, Madison, WI 53716

Veterinary Emergency Service-Middleton
Phone: (608) 831-1101
Address: 1612 N. High Point Road, Suite 100, Middleton, WI 53562

UW Veterinary Care: 24/7 Emergency
Phone: (608) 263-7600
Address: 2015 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706


Each year millions of pets become lost or displaced. In fact, 1 in 3 pets will go missing sometime in their lives. A microchip is an implantable medical device that safely and permanently identifies your pet. A record of the chip and the pet in which it is implanted is kept in a national registry. The chip can easily be read with a microchip scanner and tracked through the registry.

Microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and are typically injected between the shoulder blades with a 12-gauge needle. The procedure is similar to receiving routine vaccination through a needle and most pets don’t even react when the microchip is injected. Because the microchip is biocompatible, the pet will not experience any adverse reactions. The microchip provides a safe, permanent form of identification.

Click below to learn more about the Home Again Microchip:

Pain Management
The practice of high-quality veterinary medicine focuses on the entire patient – from medical issues that affect physical functioning, to emotional and psychological issues that affect well-being. Experiencing pain can affect the body’s physical functioning and can have a detrimental effect on a patient’s well-being and state of mind. That’s why pain management is among our primary considerations when we are treating a pet for any medical condition.

From routine procedures (such as spays or dental cleanings) to more advanced medical treatments (such as bone surgeries or cancer treatments) to chronically painful conditions (such as arthritis or back pain), we are dedicated to providing safe and effective pain management to every patient. We will also help you recognize signs of pain in your pet so that we can modify his or her pain management plan when necessary.

Recognizing and alleviating pain in our patients is at the very heart of quality, compassionate patient care. We don’t take pain management for granted and will employ all our skills to help ensure your pet’s comfort, well-being, and full recovery.

Puppy and Kitten Care

Do you have a new puppy or kitten? Congratulations on this addition to your family! One of the first things you should do when you bring your new pet home is to introduce him or her to us – your veterinary care team. Puppy and kitten visits offer a unique opportunity to get you and your new pet off on the right foot!

Your puppy or kitten visit will include a full “nose-to-tail” physical examination. We will look for any signs of illness and make sure that your new pet is in good health.

Do you have questions about nutrition, training, vaccinations, parasite protection, or overall health? What about tips for introducing your new pet to other pets and family members? Even if you are a very experienced pet owner and have had puppies or kittens before, each pet is unique and offers an opportunity to learn something new! We welcome your questions and look forward to addressing any concerns you may have. The more educated you are about your pet, the better you will be able to care for him or her, so we strive to offer you all the support you need.

Puppy and kitten wellness visits also present an opportunity to discuss your new pet’s recommended vaccine schedule and the best plan for parasite testing, treatment, and prevention. Our doctors and other staff members are well-educated about veterinary vaccines and parasite control, and our goal is to give you the best advice for your puppy or kitten. We will review your pet’s vaccine and deworming schedule and discuss the best way to continue, so don’t forget to bring any records that you have received.

We will work hard to help you understand your pet’s health considerations, and we encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your puppy’s or kitten’s health care. Puppy and kitten visits are an excellent way to get your new pet started on the road to a happy and healthy life. Let’s take these important first steps together.

We are fortunate to have many veterinary specialists available to us in the Madison area. If a second opinion is beneficial for your pet we will gladly recommend a specialist at one of the surrounding referral hospitals.
Our doctors are experienced at providing a wide variety of soft tissue surgeries. Orthopedic and less common procedures are performed by a board certified surgeon. In all cases, our staff provides an individualized anesthetic and pain management plan for each pet undergoing surgery. For your pet’s safety, our operating suite is equipped with the latest in veterinary monitoring systems including EKG, blood pressure, oxygen saturation.
Wellness Exams
Regular wellness exams allow our veterinarians to evaluate your pet’s general health and become aware of any health problems before they become serious illnesses. Since your pet cannot vocalize their feelings, you must rely on regular physical examinations by a veterinarian and your at-home observations to assess your pet’s health. Routine blood testing, urinalysis (urine testing) and other tests are recommended for all pets.
Dental Care

Dental disease affects up to 80% of pets over the age of three, and just like humans, there can be serious consequences of poor dental health. Bacteria growing on teeth and gums can travel by way of the blood stream to infect heart valves, kidneys and other tissues in the body.

The centerpiece of good dental care is a complete oral exam followed by a thorough cleaning. Dental cleanings include ultrasonic scaling followed by polishing and a mouth rinse, the combination of which is designed to remove tartar and plaque and slow its buildup. Our staff will routinely examine teeth at the time of an annual exam and will make recommendations about professional dental cleanings, and preventative follow up measures that can be taken at home.

Signs of dental health problems that you can recognize include the following:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Tartar build up on teeth
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Loose or missing teeth
  • Decreased appetite or difficulty eating
Fully-Stocked Pharmacy

To expedite the treatment of a sick pet and for the convenience of our clients, we stock a wide variety of veterinary pharmaceuticals.

The treatment of many conditions often requires the feeding of specialized veterinary diets. We carry a variety of Hills, Royal Canin and Purina prescription foods.

In addition, we carry a variety of pet products that add our clients in the care of their cats and dogs.

Health Certificates
Pets that travel with their families by air or outside of the US often will require a health certificate. They also may require a special microchip. If you plan to travel outside of the US with your pet make plans far in advance and investigate the requirement of the particular country to which you plan to travel.

Blood testing offers us a “picture” of what is happening inside our pet’s bodies. These values are then interpreted to tell us how your pet’s organs are functioning as well as let us know about any sort of infections or electrolyte imbalances. Routine blood testing, urinalysis, and other tests are recommended for all pets, particularly senior pets. Routine blood testing and urinalysis for younger pets are recommended to establish baseline values, which can be used for comparison as a pet age.

Diagnostic Services
Laboratory testing provides us a valuable view inside your pet’s body in order to assess overall systemic health without the need for invasive and expensive procedures. This is why we maintain an in-house laboratory.

In our lab, we can perform urinalysis, parasite identification, blood chemistry testing, and more. In most cases, we can obtain results within minutes. Quick diagnosis leads to prompt treatment of the sick pet.

We also perform testing prior to procedures that require anesthesia. This is a precautionary step to ensure that a pet does not have adverse reactions.

Nutritional Counseling

From the very first day you bring a new pet home through the final days of its life, nutrition plays a critical role in your pet’s overall health and well-being. Many pet owners take nutrition for granted, in part because the availability of so many nutritionally complete commercial diets has taken much of the guesswork out of choosing a suitable diet for a pet. However, did you know that your pet’s nutritional needs change with age and activity level? Did you know that specially formulated diets can assist in the management of various medical conditions, including kidney disease, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease? Do you know how many calories your pet should have each day and whether you are over- or underfeeding? Are you comfortable reading and interpreting pet food labels?

Whether your pet has special dietary needs or simply needs to shed (or gain) a few pounds, our nutritional counseling services can help you accomplish your goals and keep your pet in good health. We offer counseling in dietary selection and feeding practices for pets during various life stages, such as growth, pregnancy, nursing, and the “golden years.” If your pet has a medical condition, we can help you select the most appropriate diet to suit your pet’s needs.

It can be easy for a pet owner to become overwhelmed by the available selection of pet foods, all of which claim to have specific benefits for pets. We can offer expert advice to help you negotiate the complicated array of choices. Let our nutritional counseling service help you achieve and maintain optimal nutrition for your pet.

Parasite Prevention and Control

Annual fecal examinations and deworming as needed are recommended for all pets to protect the health of the pet as well as family members that could become infected with parasites such as roundworms or hookworms. In addition, all dogs should be blood tested annually for heartworms. After negative heartworm tests, all pets should receive heartworm prevention as well as flea and tick preventative. Our staff is trained to provide you with current information, medication discounts, and any help you may need with the administration of these anti-parasitic medications.

Radiology (X-Rays)
Radiography is a valuable diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine. As we continually strive to offer the highest quality medicine and diagnostic testing, we are pleased to offer radiology services as a means of providing excellent care to our patients.

A radiograph (sometimes called an x-ray) is a type of photograph that can look inside the body and reveal information that may not be discernable from the outside. Radiography can be used to evaluate almost any organ in the body, including the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs, as well as the bones.

Radiography is painless, safe, and completely non-invasive, and it uses only very low doses of radiation. Because the level of radiation exposure needed to perform radiography is very low, even pregnant females and very young pets can undergo radiography. Radiographs can be used to evaluate bones as well as the size, shape, and position of many of the body’s organs. The size of organs is important because some medical conditions—such as kidney, heart, or liver disease—can alter the size of these organs. The shape and position of organs can be altered or distorted by certain medical conditions, including intestinal blockage or cancer. Tumors, depending on their size and location, can also sometimes be detected using radiography. Radiography can also be used to diagnose bladder stones, broken bones, chronic arthritis, certain spinal cord diseases, and a variety of other conditions.

Radiographs are an important tool that can help us make a correct diagnosis for your pet. Our radiology service is staffed by caring, skilled professionals who will provide state-of-the-art care with compassion and expertise.

Senior Care
Did you know that pets age faster than people and can be considered “seniors” at around 7 years of age? Just as our health care needs change as we age, your pet’s health care needs also change. Nutritional needs, exercise habits, and many aspects of your pet’s daily routine can change as your pet ages. But how can you tell the difference between “normal” aging and a medical problem? As in humans, some health issues that affect older pets can begin with very subtle changes that may go unnoticed until the problem has become serious.

Regular wellness visits are important for every stage of your pet’s life, so don’t forget to keep your senior pet’s scheduled wellness appointments. The best way to help protect your pet as he or she ages is to understand the aging process in pets. We understand that process and can help you help your pet. Even if your senior pet is already being treated for a medical condition, treatment recommendations can change as a condition progresses. Sometimes medication dosages need to be adjusted, or medication may need to be changed. Routine wellness blood work and other routine diagnostic testing are important for senior pets because these tests allow us to evaluate how your pet’s health is either responding to current management strategies or changing with age.

Your senior pet’s wellness examination is also your chance to have us address any of your questions or concerns about your pet. We welcome your questions and encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your pet’s health care.

Older pets make wonderful companions, and thanks to advances in veterinary medicine, pets are living longer than ever! You are an important ally in your senior pet’s health care. We are here to help ensure that your pet is safe and happy throughout the “golden years”.

Vaccinations are usually given at the time of an annual physical exam. Vaccination schedules vary according to the specific life style and needs of the pet. The doctors and staff can provide you with information on current vaccination requirements and recommendations.

Providing compassionate care for pets and their human families.


5620 HWY 51
McFarland, Wisconsin 53558
Click here for directions.


Mon-Thur: 7:30am - 6:00pm
Fri: 7:30am - 5:00pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

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